
Loving Fall!

I was really lucky yesterday to find myself with just a little free time, so when I happened to drive by this park on such a beautiful Fall day, I had to pull over and sit for a little while. I also happened to have my Mondo Beyondo pen pal list with me, so surprise Nelly! Look in your mailbox in a few days! (She lives all the way across the country, but I just couldn't wait to spill the surprise! heehee). It was wonderful to just sit, write, lean back, take pictures looking straight up...

and feel the sun on my face (p.s. this is my first picture for my newest flickr project called BAM)...

I hope you're getting the chance to take in Fall the way you want to in your neck 'o the woods! Pretty soon we'll have rain, rain, rain - so I'm just sponging it all up right now!

1 comment:

Nelly said...

Awesome Jenny! I am so excited. You are so sweet!

That is such a good idea to carry the list with you. I have it in my art room, but it would be great to have it with me so that when the inspiration strikes....

I am bursting with excitement from your kindness.....